Решетки радиатора, Решетки крышки радиатора | Джеймс Гилберт и сын

Передние радиаторы Cayman и Boxster 981 кажутся мне уязвимыми для дорожного мусора. Мне пришлось достать экраны для своего 981. Мысль о пробитом радиаторе и сопутствующих последствиях была для меня неприемлемой.

I already had RENNLINE front grills purchased a while back, but they don’t sell the side air intake grill screens. On one of the Rennlist Forums, I discovered the Radiator Grill Store: Bought the side grills from them, had them installed at the same time I had the RENNLINE front grill screens installed. Had I known about the Radiator Grill Store, I could have gotten all the grill screens from one (1) site. Just sayin.https://www.radiatorgrillstore.com/b. and-cayman-981

Передние радиаторы Cayman и Boxster 981 кажутся мне уязвимыми для дорожного мусора. Мне пришлось достать экраны для своего 981. Мысль о пробитом радиаторе и сопутствующих последствиях была для меня неприемлемой.

I already had RENNLINE front grills purchased a while back, but they don’t sell the side air intake grill screens. On one of the Rennlist Forums, I discovered the Radiator Grill Store: Bought the side grills from them, had them installed at the same time I had the RENNLINE front grill screens installed. Had I known about the Radiator Grill Store, I could have gotten all the grill screens from one (1) site. Just sayin.https://www.radiatorgrillstore.com/b. and-cayman-981

Thank you so much Martin for the kind words! We really appreciate your business! Any photos of the install!?

RGS – Radiator Grille Store

OEM Look, Economical Protection

Я сделаю несколько фотографий боковых экранов решетки сегодня позже и выложу их. Я чувствую себя намного лучше, зная, что боковые вентиляционные отверстия надежны. Если бы я знал о RGS на месяц раньше, я бы тоже получил передние стекла от RGS. Самый большой ПЛЮС передних стекол RGS, их можно установить без снятия переднего бампера и т.д. .
https://19cb32a6-3291-4ae4-a062-8815. 6e9e83bb0a.pdf

On my RENNLINE front screens, sides and center screens, the installer had to take off the front bumper, and all the associated stuff that goes with such a job. All I know is the bill for the labor was about $500 to install the front screens.

Спасибо, Мартин. После моего первого дня автокса я обнаружил там куски протектора шин и следы попадания камней в радиаторные плавники. Итак, экраны в моем списке. у тебя есть фотографии?

Here are some photos of customers cars!

987.2 and 987.1 Cayman Side intake grilles www.radiatorgrillstore.com

981 Boxster and Cayman Side intakes

718 Boxster and Cayman

RGS – Radiator Grille Store

OEM Look, Economical Protection

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Thank you so much Martin for the kind words! We really appreciate your business! Any photos of the install!?

Any plans to do the center radiator opening for a 987.1? I would much rather buy all the same pattern so they match.

Any plans to do the center radiator opening for a 987.1? I would much rather buy all the same pattern so they match.

This may be our first request for the center on the 987.1. We currently don�t have a car to test but if you would like to help develop, contact us at the website.

RGS – Radiator Grille Store

OEM Look, Economical Protection

Not true. RGS do not make a center grill for the 987.2. Kind of odd because the center is the one that picks up the most debris on my Black Edition.

981 Boxster S. Много погнутых ребер конденсатора. После того, как отвалилась крышка ремня (не связанная с этим проблема), решил, что пора заняться некоторыми экранами.

RGS instructions are pretty irrelevant for the Boxster. They show a 991.1 without the vertical strake brace, using one-piece screens. My screens came in two pieces. After spending a day cleaning/straightening condenser fins (a rare sort of agony), took two evenings to fit the screens up (VERY carefully). One tip: Use extra wire ties (RGS is a little stingy with theirs). Loop them through the screen before inserting and use them as handles to pull the screens into place. I actually looped them around a couple of pencils to hold the screens where I wanted while fitting-up the RGS wire ties. The perimeter needed a little bending, especially at the top.The strake covers went back on without issue. Everything seems stable after a few three-digit runs.

Я был удивлен, насколько приятным я нахожу внешний вид! Если вы беспокоитесь о том, чтобы увидеть проволочные стяжки, вы должны находиться под тем же углом (в основном головой на земле), чтобы увидеть защелки центрального ремня, что тоже некрасиво. Я одержим стройностью и финишем, но эти выглядят хорошо.

In a year or two these will have to come off (for cleaning behind). May try ZS next time. Overall it was worthwhile, but the “981 Boxster” installation instructions from RGS are pretty much irrelevant. Just take your time. It is NOT a 10 minute job!

Решетки радиатора

Решетки радиатора

Radiator covers and cabinets are one of the most popular uses for decorative grilles. When used for this purpose the panels of mesh themselves are often referred to as radiator grilles or radiator cover meshes.

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Our steel and brass grilles are all made to measure and can be purchased on-line by choosing one of the three traditional types of radiator cover grilles; the woven grille, regency grille or perforated grille.

Decorative panels can also be used in radiator covers and as radiator screens in any design or finish. If you would like to choose one of our styles of decorative metal panels to achieve either a traditional or contemporary look for your radiator cover then please choose from the selection on the decorative panels page.

Woven Radiator Grilles

Brass radiator screens can be created by weaving brass wires together to form a lattice. To create different styles of woven grille, different metals can be used as well as different sized wires, different methods of weaving, different hole sizes and orientation.

Если вы хотите, чтобы решетка радиатора была очень открытой по стилю, выберите большое отверстие и узкую проволоку. Если вы предпочитаете сетку радиатора, закрывающую обзор через сетку крышки радиатора, выберите более широкую проволоку с меньшим отверстием.

Если требуется еще более высокий уровень затемнения, чтобы убедиться, что ни один из радиаторов за решеткой не виден, выберите защитную сетку. Самый малоизвестный тип сетки-подложки с наименьшими отверстиями — это «тонкая» сетка-подложка. Как только тонкая подложка прикреплена к передней решетке, они становятся единой цельной решеткой радиатора с комбинированным эффектом затемнения, который больше, чем сумма отдельных частей. Если выбрано большое отверстие с узкой проволочной решеткой, то большая часть этой тонкой сетки будет видна через решетку, но очень мало самого радиатора. Если выбрать широкую проволоку и маленькое отверстие, то уже будет довольно трудно проглядеть радиатор, а если сзади добавить мелкую или крупную сетку, то через комбинированную решетку без нее будет практически невозможно что-либо разглядеть. встать очень близко к решетке, что было бы редко при их обычном использовании.

The technical specuification for the backing mesh is:

* Мелкая сетка: 16 проволок на дюйм (проволока 0.375 мм) — открытая площадь 58.35 %.

* Coarse Mesh: 8 wires per inch (0.63mm wire) – 64.25% open area


Woven radiator grilles are manufactured with either a diamond or square pattern. An additional feature that can be added to the manufacturing process of the diamond woven radiator mesh style is to have the woven grille squashed laterally. This achieves a narrower and more elongated shape of diamond. It should be noted that this style will relax into its natural state during transport so the panels that are delivered may appear to be too wide and not tall enough for the apertures for which they are intended and for which the sizes were provided. It is necessary therefore to squeeze the panels laterally during fitting until they again achieve their natural shape and size. It is also possible to provide laterally wider diamonds but having them squeezed longitudinally but this is rare.

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The use of round wire is also a possibility for creating an open style of radiator mesh panel. The round wire is available in 1.6mm and 2mm wire diameters in brass and stainless steel. All hole sizes are available in the 1.6mm (916 gauge) wire but only the larger sized holes are available in the 2mm wire. As it is so open it would most often be used in combination with a backing mesh.

As well as in domestic cabinets and radiator covers, and library cupboards doors, round wire grilles were a popular choice for early automobile manufacturers. When the round wire is given an extra crimp between the joints it makes the overall panel more rigid and this made it particularly suitable for making stone guards for headlamps and car radiator screens as they allowed sufficient light and air through them whilst protecting that which was behind them from being chipped by stones thrown up from the road by other vehicles. We still manufacture grilles of this nature and sometimes it is the vintage and veteran car enthusiasts who choose to have similar vehicular style grilles in their houses.


Sometimes the word mesh is used instead of grilles. The meaning of these terms overlap but generally when talking in terms of woven products, meshes are regarded as being of a finer nature than grilles, meaning that the materials from which they are constructed are of a smaller gauge and the holes are smaller. Radiator cover grilles therefore refers to those made with coarser materials and with larger holes. Where Brass radiator grilles are regarded as being too ‘open’ then smaller gauge meshes are added to them in an additional layer to provide increased hiding qualities to the whole radiator panel. Please view our woven grilles page where you can choose and purchase styles of grilles and meshes online.

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There is sometimes confusion over the spelling of the word grille. We occasionally receive orders for grills instead of grilles. So far as we are aware a grill is used for cooking. A grill describes a cooking implement that makes some use of parallel metal bars for either resting the food on while it is cooked or for applying direct heat to the food. Grilling describes the act of cooking the food in this way and a venue where food cooked in such a way may refer to itself as a grill. Though some restaurateurs still insist on using the word grille instead of grill in the name of their restaurants, presumably to sound more interesting or upmarket. To give someone a grilling however is not to cook them but to ask them a series of questions in an intense way. To confuse matters further a grill is apparently now also a cosmetic device worn by people who don’t think that their teeth are decorative enough. It is a small metal plate worn over their front teeth, that provides them with the opportunity to entertain others which their ability to house jewellery in their mouths. Whether or not they can enjoy a grill in a grill whilst wearing such a grill is beyond this author’s authority on the matter. It is likely that all these other definitions of the word grill actually originate from the original word grille. We are happy to stick with that one.

Regency Radiator Grilles

Regency radiator cover grilles are most often used where people are choosing grilles that are suitable for an historic environment or to help reproduce one.


Наши решетки в стиле регентства являются точными копиями оригинальных решеток, которые были разработаны и использовались в период регентства. Мы используем те же материалы, модели, методы сборки и технологии производства.


The regency style of radiator cover grille comes in 4 sizes of diamond, two sizes of square and the ellipse style, which changes in size according to the size of the panel required. The diamonds are higher than they are wide and when measured from the centre of pin to centre of pin across their width are 35mm, 51mm, 61mm and 80mm. To make the complete assembly that represents a regency radiator grille, three essential components are required: the front grille made from 1/8 inch solid brass square rod, fixing pins, also in brass and a fine or coarse radiator mesh that is attached to the back using the pins that hold the grille together. The pins can be either small plain dome headed rivets for a simple look or one of two type of decorative headed rivet, being either floral or circular in design. The size of the head of the small plain rivet is equivalent to that of the profile of the grille material (1/8 of an inch) so does not overlap it. The size of the head of the decorative rosettes is around 10mm and so overlaps the joint at the corners of the diamond both hiding the intersection and creating a significant decorative feature at the same point. The decorative rivets can be placed on every joint for a highly decorative appearance or alternated with the plain rivets for a less busy look.

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Sometimes the regency style of radiator cover mesh is used for other purposes such as in the doors of library cabinets where it is desirable to see though the grille to the books behind. In this case the regency brass radiator grille will be supplied without any backing mesh. This style, especially when chosen with the largest style of diamond would represent our most open style of decorative radiator grille.


When regency grilles are being used as radiator cover grilles then radiator mesh is usually applied to the back of the radiator grille. This mesh is available in two styles and is made from narrow gauge round brass wire. The two styles are called fine and coarse. The fine uses a finer wire and has 16 small holes per inch and the coarse uses a slightly heavier wire and has 8 holes per inch. The fine with its smaller holes is more opaque.


Все наши решетки Regency могут быть изготовлены в любой из наших стандартных отделок. Все стили и отделки решетки радиатора Regency доступны для покупки онлайн на нашей странице решетки радиатора Regency. Здесь вы можете купить решетки и решетки радиатора regency, где все компоненты имеют одинаковую отделку. Так, например, если выбрана «бронза», то решетка, заклепки, розетки и опорная сетка будут бронзированы, чтобы сформировать одну единую бронзовую панель радиатора. Если вам нужна менее обычная комбинация, когда для разных компонентов решетки требуется разная отделка, например, латунная решетка с бронзовыми розетками и хромированной сеткой (это не та комбинация, о которой мы еще не просили), свяжитесь с нами по телефону или электронной почте. или опубликуйте, указав ваши точные требования, и мы рассмотрим ваш специальный запрос напрямую.

Perforated Radiator Grilles

Perforated grilles are made by punching multiples of holes in a repeating pattern across the surface of a thin sheet of metal. This is the only style of grille, which is made in advance in sheets form from which we will cut your grilles. As such it is often the first choice when the delivery of decorative brass radiator grilles is an urgent requirement. The fastest delivery can be achieved when the finish chosen is that of the natural state of the grille rather than a finish that requires an extra process. The natural finishes for perforated radiator meshes are brass, stainless steel and aluminium. Brass is best for a gold colour requirement. Stainless steel is best for a polished silver or chrome type requirement and aluminium is best good for a matt silver colour. Stainless steel is also available in a satin finish. Not all perforated mesh panels are available in all metals. In the perforated style stainless steel mesh is only available in the square or square diamond patterns. These styles are most suitable for contemporary style environments which best suit the stainless steel mesh choice. Other perforated metal mesh finishes which take a little longer to produce but are still available at relatively short notice are antique brass, and bronzed brass. These are chemically treated to achieve an aged mesh panel where a slightly darker, less shiny look is preferred. The finishes that take the longest, regardless of what style of grille or metal work is chosen are bright nickel, satin nickel, chrome and finally pewter (antique silver) which takes the longest.

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In aluminium only two patterns are available: small club and cross. These are two of our most popular mesh panel patterns. Aluminium is amongst the most economic metals from which to order decorative perforated grilles. It is a good choice, therefore, if it is intended that the grilles will be painted.


In the brass range we stock the widest variety of metal mesh panel patterns. Whilst all our perforated mesh panels are suitable for use as radiator grilles, those available in brass are also available in antique brass and bronzed brass, as brass is the base metal for these other finishes. The patterns available in brass are hexalong, inner circle, small club, cross, square, diamond and fleur.

Bespoke Decorative Metal Panels as Radiator Cover Grilles

The final type of radiator cover mesh which allows the greatest variety in look is the bespoke decorative metal panel style. For this style we can cut any pattern including family crests or corporate logos into flat panels for use as personalised radiator grilles. This style of radiator panel can be designed to suit a wide variety of interior styles. Simple slots, repeating designs or geometric patterns can be used for a modern or contemporary looking radiator panel, or traditional patterns like damask can just as easily be cut to create stunning traditional looking grilles. In both cases the chosen pattern can be scaled up, down or repeated to suit the size of the radiator panel required. When used in combination with our special finishes and backing meshes this style really can create the most dramatic and exciting effects that stand as eye-catching artworks in their own right.

For examples of bespoke patterns that can be used to create decorative radiator panels take a look at our decorative panels page.

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If you have your own pattern or a motif that you would like us to include please forward it to us by email.

Radiator screens really needed?

Newbie, first post. Looking at zunsport or rennline radiator grills. Leaning towards zunsport, just don�t want to remove the bumper cover unless really necessary. First question, anybody have any experience with either brand and installation? Has anyone ever had a rock puncture a radiator? Not sure if it is just aesthetic or truly functional and a great idea. Appreciate your expertise and experiences!

Немного гравия в правом нижнем углу и незначительные вмятины на плавниках кажутся не такими уж плохими после 30000 миль.

У меня есть Zunsports на моем Cayman S. Много дерьма на дорогах здесь, поэтому я смотрю на них, как на функциональные, так и на приятные на вид. Они просто защелкиваются, не требуется снимать бампер.

У меня не было повреждений радиатора ни на одном из моих Порше без гриля, но мой приятель ударил камнем по радиатору своего 3-недельного турбо 991 (это было несколько лет назад), который потребовал замены. Вон тот.

Newbie, first post. Looking at zunsport or rennline radiator grills. Leaning towards zunsport, just don�t want to remove the bumper cover unless really necessary. First question, anybody have any experience with either brand and installation? Has anyone ever had a rock puncture a radiator? Not sure if it is just aesthetic or truly functional and a great idea. Appreciate your expertise and experiences!

Немного гравия в правом нижнем углу и незначительные вмятины на плавниках кажутся не такими уж плохими после 30000 миль.

I don’t have experience with the specific brands you mention; I have the ones from the Radiator Grill Store. They were super easy to install (at least the front ones were; the side intake grills were a bit harder), and for ~$200, I consider them cheap insurance against radiator damage. There are lots of horror stories of little rocks kicked up off the road causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. (BTW: Before I installed the front grills, I cleaned out the spaces in front of the radiators on both sides, and I found a dead bird embedded into the driver’s side radiator. )

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Любой автомобиль с открытыми радиаторами подвергается риску повреждения/засорения радиатора дорожным мусором. Porsche и C8 Corvettes, кажется, особенно склонны к этому. В результате мы увидели как коммерческие, так и самодельные «решения» проблемы.

Что меня беспокоило, когда я впервые увидел один из этих экранов, так это то, что у поставщиков нет информации, основанной на данных, о том, насколько они уменьшают поток воздуха через радиаторы. Например, экраны автомобиля Saabin Cayman (показан выше) выглядят так, как будто они может быть reduce airflow by as much as 40-50%. There’s a lot of area that Porsche left open for air flow that is now covered. I’ve seen other homemade grills that also seem to be prone to impeding airflow.

In a discussion on this problem on Corvetteblogger.com, John Elegant, co-founder of the midenginecorvetteforum.com, is quoted as saying, “. he’s worried that such a homemade solution could cut down on heat exchanging capabilities , especially on a hot day, stop and go, track use, etc. “ A mid-engine needs complete cooling ,” . We have to be careful not to jeopardize that with a garden variety solution.”

Я подозреваю, что те же опасения относятся и к моделям Porsche со средним и задним расположением двигателя. Кроме того, мне кажется нецелесообразным уменьшать поток воздуха в системе охлаждения в автомобиле, к которому многие добавляют возможность охлаждения с помощью дополнительных радиаторов. Обратите внимание, что я не выношу здесь никаких суждений. Я просто делаю наблюдение.

That said, you’ve probably surmised by now that I’ve decided to leave my grills open.

And yet Porsche continues to add screens on some of their models. Perhaps those models have properly sized cooling to account for air flow restriction?

High flow screen stock is available in the market.

Решетчатые сетки помогут уменьшить количество более крупных камней, которые с большей вероятностью пробьют трубки конденсатора, что приведет к утечке всего фреона. Не факт, но поможет. ИМО, они должны быть стандартными для всех Porsche, а не только для автомобилей GT. Я поставил Rennline на свою машину. Хотелось бы, чтобы кто-нибудь сделал вторичный рынок из того же материала, который использует Porsche.

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I made my own protective grilles after seeing how much crap was building up against the radiators, where if left, it will trap water and cause rotting of the radiators.
I also noted carefully what temperatures the car was running at without the grilles in place, and since fitting them I have kept a close eye on the temperatures again. They are almost the same as what they were without the grilles, which leads to to conclude that fears about reduced airflow are greatly exaggerated.

I made my own protective grilles after seeing how much crap was building up against the radiators, where if left, it will trap water and cause rotting of the radiators.
I also noted carefully what temperatures the car was running at without the grilles in place, and since fitting them I have kept a close eye on the temperatures again. They are almost the same as what they were without the grilles, which leads to to conclude that fears about reduced airflow are greatly exaggerated.

I would tend to agree, but unless you are monitoring/datalogging your temps via the OBD2 port (not the dash gauge) you really can’t know if the coolant is running slightly hotter or not. The dash gauge for coolant really is just a glorified idiot light, it doesn’t represent the actual temperature.

Via the info system display. Generally the coolant runs between 90 and 100 with the oil running a couple of degrees higher.

Thanks Saabin, appreciate the input. Does the center grill pop out easily to allow cleaning the area behind it?

I don’t have experience with the specific brands you mention; I have the ones from the Radiator Grill Store. They were super easy to install (at least the front ones were; the side intake grills were a bit harder), and for ~$200, I consider them cheap insurance against radiator damage. There are lots of horror stories of little rocks kicked up off the road causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. (BTW: Before I installed the front grills, I cleaned out the spaces in front of the radiators on both sides, and I found a dead bird embedded into the driver’s side radiator. )

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Любой автомобиль с открытыми радиаторами подвергается риску повреждения/засорения радиатора дорожным мусором. Porsche и C8 Corvettes, кажется, особенно склонны к этому. В результате мы увидели как коммерческие, так и самодельные «решения» проблемы.

Что меня беспокоило, когда я впервые увидел один из этих экранов, так это то, что у поставщиков нет информации, основанной на данных, о том, насколько они уменьшают поток воздуха через радиаторы. Например, экраны на Saabin Cayman (показан выше) выглядят так, как будто они могут уменьшить поток воздуха на 40-50%. Есть много места, которое Porsche оставил открытым для потока воздуха, которое теперь покрыто пластиком. Я видел другие самодельные грили, которые, похоже, также склонны препятствовать воздушному потоку.

In a discussion on this problem on Corvetteblogger.com, John Elegant, co-founder of the midenginecorvetteforum.com, is quoted as saying, “. he’s worried that such a homemade solution could cut down on heat exchanging capabilities , especially on a hot day, stop and go, track use, etc. “ A mid-engine needs complete cooling ,” . We have to be careful not to jeopardize that with a garden variety solution.”

Я подозреваю, что те же опасения относятся и к моделям Porsche со средним и задним расположением двигателя. Кроме того, мне кажется нецелесообразным уменьшать поток воздуха в системе охлаждения в автомобиле, к которому многие добавляют возможность охлаждения с помощью дополнительных радиаторов. Обратите внимание, что я не выношу здесь никаких суждений. Я просто делаю наблюдение.

That said, you’ve probably surmised by now that I’ve decided to leave my grills open.

I tend to over-analyze and have had the same concern with some percentage of reduced flow due to grills. However, with the temps in the NW being cool most of the year I think I will give them a try. Appreciate your thoughts, thanks!

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