Основы пролетов балок перекрытий

Wood floors are classic, but they come with a lot of options and some new developments. Check ’em here.

Наше уважаемое жюри сейчас рассматривает заявки на участие в конкурсе A+Product Awards этого года. Ждите объявления победителя этим летом.

Hello, old friend. No, dear reader, I’m not talking to you; I’m talking to that wood flooring over there. We’ve been close for ages.

But who isn’t friends with wood floors? They’re the best! People have been covering their floors with wood planks for centuries, and no one seems to be changing their mind anytime soon. Some things never go out of style.

Технически дерево — не самый сложный строительный материал, но у него есть много вариантов. Основное внимание уделяется эстетике: породе, цвету, текстуре и отделке дерева, а также тому, как оно вырезано и установлено в вашем пространстве. Иногда в комнате требуется более мягкая или твердая древесина в зависимости от того, как используется пол, но в настоящее время существует так много прочных отделок, что поставщики древесины должны иметь возможность работать с вами, чтобы реализовать ваше видение. Используйте обычные слова и фотографии, чтобы описать, что вам нужно, и обязательно опишите, как будет использоваться пространство. Также укажите размеры вашего помещения. Все остальное сделают производители.

Mind the gaps in old butt-jointed boards; image via Imgur (Fuzzledorf).

The rest of the articles this week will get into what’s new and hot in wood flooring, so we should cover the basics here. First: If you don’t know how wood flooring is installed, you should. It involves something called ‘tongue and groove.’ Tongue and groove is not, though it may sound like it, something that might happen on a particularly risqué dance floor. It is the relatively ingenious way that floorboards fit together. Early boards were simple rectangular planks that were butt-jointed against each other, but as wood dries and ages, the gaps between the boards can grow, filling your floor with unsightly dust-collecting canyons.

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Как установить плинтуса - заводские полы

Деревянные доски устанавливаются индивидуально, спускаясь линиями по всей комнате. Доски обычно прибиваются к основанию пола, которое часто представляет собой лист фанеры или ДСП. Гвозди входят в шпунт доски, который скрыт под соседним элементом, поэтому гвозди не видны в готовом виде. Дополнительные слои мембраны или конструкции могут быть добавлены под доски, чтобы уменьшить звук. Как правило, концы половиц упираются в отделку стены. В результате может получиться неровный край, обычно закрытый обрезком.

New wood flooring pattern from Listone Giordano used by Zaha Hadid Architects in the City Life Residence; image via Bluebell Products

Новые стили отходят от типичной модели досок, предлагая деревянные панели с современным рисунком и рисунком, вдохновленным паркетной доской. Инженерные деревянные полы теперь также являются стандартом. Многие из них визуально неотличимы от твердых пород дерева, и обычно они прочнее и долговечнее. Имитаторы дерева из линолеума или керамической плитки становятся все более изощренными. Некоторые из них очень похожи на натуральную древесину и обычно дешевле. Не бойтесь исследовать все ваши варианты.

There are a variety of major international flooring manufacturers, but there are also local suppliers that can provide more custom options. Check out what’s on Source and see what fits your needs.

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Общие размеры
Wooden floors come in strips, planks and tiles.

  • Полоса: Often considered a “traditional” wood floor. Strips range in thickness from 5/16 inches to 3/4 inches and are available in widths that range from 1 inch to 3 inches.
  • Планка: Wider than strip wood, planks are available in 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch thicknesses and multiple widths ranging from 3 inches to 12 inches, in 1-inch increments.
  • Wide Plank: Typically, plants wider than 5 inches are considered to be unusually wide and may not be as easily available.
  • Плитка: Длина варьируется, но обычно короткая. Толщина может варьироваться от 5/16 дюймов до 3/4 дюймов.
  • Район: Describe the dimensions of the building and floor plan to determine the total area of wooden flooring required.
  • Виды: Wood varies greatly in aesthetic depending on the species of tree from which it is derived. The most common variants include oak, maple, hickory, birch and cherry, while more exotic woods include teak, acacia and tigerwood. Each has different colors and grain patterns. For a complete list, you can visit the Wood Database.
  • Оценка: Many associations, manufacturers and suppliers that serve the vast market of solid wood flooring have proprietary grading standards. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) lists:
    • Clear wood – minimal character marks that provide a uniform appearance
    • Select wood – natural heartwood/sapwood color variations, knots, streaks, etc.
    • Common wood – more pronounced natural characteristics than select wood
    • Plain-sawn is the most common cut because it is cheapest, but it is less stable than other options. It’s the most efficient way of cutting a log.
    • Quarter-sawn wood is cut against the grain, which wastes more wood but results in a board that warps and distorts less with time. It is more expensive than plain-sawn.
    • Rift-sawn is the most expensive wood. It can be cut as a complement to quarter-sawn wood (see diagram below), or it can be made by radially cutting the log. This produces a very stable board with a very even linear cut.
    • Live-sawn wood is made by just slicing across the log. It makes the widest boards, but boards made from the same log may widely vary. The edges can also be left unfinished (or ‘live’), although you’d have to get creative about how to fit them together.

    • Прочность: The most important characteristic of a solid wood floor is its durability: the capacity to resist wear, denting and marring. This is defined by the Janka Hardness Rating (ASTM D-143). Hardwoods are more durable than softwoods and are therefore more often used for wood flooring than are softwoods. A room’s function will often dictate the optimal hardness Janka Rating. Information on the characteristics, grades, strengths and mechanical properties of American hardwoods can be found by referencing the Hardwood Council’s Species Guide.
    • Отделка:
      • Surface Finishes – Durable and water-resistant blends of synthetic resins most often referred to as urethanes or polyurethanes. They remain on the surface of the wood to form a protective coating.
        • Water-based finishes appear clear and resist yellowing over time.
        • Oil-based finishes appear amber in color.
        • Acid-cured finishes appear clear to slightly amber.
        • Moisture-cured finishes appear clear to amber; extremely durable and more moisture-resistant than other surface finishes.

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        Does your company manufacture wooden floors? Click here to learn more about listing your product on Architizer. If you have comments, questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments section below.

        Наше уважаемое жюри сейчас рассматривает заявки на участие в конкурсе A+Product Awards этого года. Ждите объявления победителя этим летом.

        Learn the Basics of Floor Joist Spans

        Ли Валлендер

        Ли имеет более чем двадцатилетний практический опыт реконструкции, ремонта и улучшения домов, а также более 13 лет дает советы по благоустройству дома.

        Дин Бирмайер

        Дин Бирмайер — опытный подрядчик с почти 30-летним опытом работы во всех видах ремонта, обслуживания и реконструкции домов. Он является сертифицированным ведущим плотником, а также имеет сертификат Агентства по охране окружающей среды. Дин является членом Наблюдательного совета по благоустройству дома The Spruce.


        Сара Скотт — проверяющий факты и исследователь, работавшая в сфере индивидуального строительства домов в сфере продаж, маркетинга и дизайна.

        Wooden joists in renovated staircase

        Ель / Марго Кэвин

        Joist spans may not be on the minds of most do-it-yourselfers, but joist spans are everywhere: above our heads in the ceiling joists and below our feet as flooring joists. Without properly calculated and built joist spans, permits don’t get issued and buildings don’t get built. Learn some of the basics of joist spans and how they affect your home—and your next home remodel.

        Floor Joist Span

        Floor joist span is the distance that a structural member such as a joist can span, from one end to the opposite end. A variety of factors play into joist span, including but not limited to: distance covered, width and thickness of the joist, type of material, and spacing between the joists.

        Что такое пролеты балок пола

        Large floor joists can carry more of a load, and spacing joists closer together also increases the load-bearing capacity of a floor.

        Yet larger is not always better when builders are constructing a home or adding a room addition. The extra two inches of vertical distance when a floor is framed with 2 x 10 joists rather than 2 x 12s can be quite important, for example. So the challenge to builders is to choose joists that are appropriate to the load they carry while maximizing space.

        Вычисление грузоподъемности и выбор правильных размеров и расстояния между балками пола — более сложная задача, чем вы можете себе представить, поскольку здесь задействовано множество переменных:

        • Порода древесины
        • Grade of the lumber
        • Width and thickness of the boards
        • Spacing between joists
        • Load placed on the floor
        • Length that the joists span

        Engineered wood floor joists, which have their own sizing and spacing requirements, are also available.

        Click Play to Learn About Floor Joist Spans

        Породы древесины

        Different wood species have different strength characteristics, with some having much higher bending strength than others. In general, species that are slow-growing have more growth rings per inch and are therefore considerably stronger than fast-growing trees. This is also true of trees within the same species—when conditions cause slow growth, the lumber from the tree will be stronger.

        Common species used in-house framing include:

        • Southern yellow pine and Douglas fir have high bending strength.
        • Hemlock, spruce, and redwood have medium bending strength.
        • Western red cedar, Eastern white pine, and ponderosa pine have low bending strength.

        Сорт пиломатериалов

        The fewer defects contained in a piece of lumber, the stronger it will be. Higher grades of lumber (clear, select, or 1) have fewer flaws, and will, therefore, be stronger.

        A common choice for construction framing is 2-grade lumber. While not as strong as the higher grades, the flaws in 2-grade lumber are generally not enough to seriously weaken the boards. Avoid using 3- or 4-grade lumber for structural framing applications.

        If you are hand-picking boards, examine them for knots and other flaws. Flaws in a board can make the board unusable as a joist board.

        Размер пиломатериала

        На прочность данной балочной доски наиболее сильно влияет ширина доски сверху донизу. Ширина значительно важнее толщины доски.

        Например, балка, сделанная из двойных брусков 2 x 6, может охватывать расстояние примерно на 25% больше, чем одинарная балка 2 x 6, но балка 2 x 12 может охватывать примерно на 80 процентов больше, чем балка 2 x 6, даже если она имеет такое же расстояние. из дерева как сдвоенный 2 х 6.

        Joist span is also governed by the weight placed on the floor. Floor loads are described using two measurements: dead load and live load.

        Постоянная нагрузка для жилого строительства обычно считается около 10 фунтов на квадратный фут. Статическая нагрузка рассчитывается путем сложения веса строительных материалов и деления на квадратные метры.

        Живая нагрузка

        The term live load refers to the total load carried by the floor, including furnishing, occupants, and other objects being stored.

        For residential floors, the live load is usually considered to be 30 to 40 pounds per square foot (psf), although this varies depending on the location within the home.

        First-floor live loads have higher requirements than second-floor live loads (40 pounds per square foot vs. 30 psf). A room used solely for sleeping might need to carry only 30 psf, whereas a garage floor over a basement would need 50 psf or higher.

        An inaccessible attic space, on the other hand, might have a live load of only 20 psf.

        Таблицы пролетов балок

        Joist span refers to the measurement covered by the joist between supporting structures, such as beams or foundation walls. Builders generally use pre-calculated tables to tell them appropriate joist spans for each lumber species, size, and spacing.

        Local building codes should always be consulted, since unusual situations may call for different span recommendations. True floor joist span calculations can only be made by a structural engineer or contractor.

        This sample table gives minimum floor joist sizes for joists spaced at 16 inches and 24 inches on-center (o.c.) for 2-grade lumber with 10 pounds per square foot of dead load and 40 pounds of live load, which is typical of normal residential construction:

        Yellow Pine,
        Douglas Fir
        Красное дерево
        Болиголов, ель
        Western red cedar,
        Восточная белая сосна
        Joist Size 16″ o.c. 24″ o.c. 16″ o.c. 24″ o.c. 16″ o.c. 24″ o.c.
        2 × 6 9 ′ 9 ″ 8 ′ 3 ″ 8 ′ 8 ″ 7 ′ 6 ″ 7 ′ 6 ″ 6 ′ 3 ″
        2 × 8 12 ′ 8 ″ 10 ′ 8 ″ 11 ′ 0 ″ 10 ′ 2 ″ 10 ′ 5 ″ 8 ′ 6 ″
        2 × 10 16 ′ 0 ″ 13 ′ 0 ″ 14 ′ 6 ″ 12 ′ 4 ″ 12 ′ 9 ″ 10 ′ 5 ″
        2 × 12 18 ′ 6 ″ 15 ′ 0 ″ 17 ′ 6 ″ 14 ′ 4 ″ 14 ′ 9 ″ 13 ′ 0 ″

        Builders and contractors can adjust their choice of lumber size and spacing depending on circumstances. For example, where head-room is an issue, they can choose smaller joists and space them closer together with a shorter span. Or, where a long span is needed, such as when framing a ceiling above an open-concept room, larger joists made with a stronger lumber species can be chosen.

        When Joist Spans Matter Most

        As a do-it-yourselfer, you don’t need to know about joist spans to paint a bathroom or add a floor covering. But there are some instances when joist spans might matter to you:

        The Spruce использует только высококачественные источники, в том числе рецензируемые исследования, для подтверждения фактов в наших статьях. Прочтите наш редакционный процесс, чтобы узнать больше о том, как мы проверяем факты и делаем наш контент точным, надежным и заслуживающим доверия.

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